Category: Budget
October 12, 2022 - Expanded career technical education underway for high schoolers, postsecondary students
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today Idaho’s secondary and postsecondary career technical education (CTE) programs were awarded $8 million in grants as part of his “Leading Idaho” initiative. From welding to cybersecurity, nursing to vehicle maintenance, and nuclear operations to early childhood education and many other areas, high schools and colleges will be […]
September 1, 2022 - Gov. Little’s statement on successful special session
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little issued the following statement about today’s extraordinary legislative session securing historic tax relief and education funding to combat 40-year high inflation. House Bill 1 uses Idaho’s record budget surplus to address the impacts of inflation by cutting taxes while making record investments in education. The bill provides $500 million […]
August 23, 2022 - Gov. Little calls special session to deliver record tax relief, education investments in face of historic inflation
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little and legislative leaders announced today a special legislative session will be held Sept. 1, to use the state’s record $2 billion projected budget surplus to counteract the impacts of 40-year high inflation on individuals and schools. “We’re calling an extraordinary session to address the crushing impacts of historic inflation […]
August 12, 2022 - More education support, tax cuts the priority with new projected record budget surplus
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little commented today on the news that Idaho’s new fiscal year budget surplus is expected to reach a new record – more than $2 billion – and promised to work closely with the Legislature to deliver even more education investments and tax relief for Idahoans. “Here’s what Idahoans need to […]
August 4, 2022 - Nearly two dozen Governors speak out against Democrats’ reckless spending bill in Congress
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little joined 21 other governors in voicing opposition to the $740 billion Democrat reconciliation bill currently being considered by the U.S. Congress. “The Democrats’ solution to 40-year high inflation is passing another reckless tax and spending spree to the tune of $740 billion, affecting Americans in every tax bracket. While […]
July 28, 2022 - National GDP falls again, Idaho offers example of real solutions
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little commented today after the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released data Thursday revealing the country’s Gross Domestic Product decreased again in the second quarter of 2022 at the annual rate of 0.9-percent. “Every Idahoan is feeling the pressure of record-high inflation under President Biden’s watch. The ‘solutions’ offered by […]
July 22, 2022 - Idaho closes out fiscal year with $1.4 billion surplus, more tax cuts and investments on the way
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today Idahoans can expect more tax cuts and additional investments with the state’s $1.4 billion budget surplus. “Idaho’s economy is red-hot because of the resiliency of our citizens and businesses. Combined with years of fiscal conservativism, reining in state spending, and our status as the least regulated state […]
July 22, 2022 - “Leading Idaho” investments in local bridges, child pedestrian crossings move forward
Boise, Idaho – Improvements to local bridges as well as child pedestrian paths will be coming to communities across Idaho after the state finalized and approved prioritizations for two parts of Governor Brad Little’s “Leading Idaho” plan this week. The Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) and the Idaho Transportation Board approved the rankings this […]
July 13, 2022 - Bidenflation reaches new historic mark – highest in more than 40 years
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little commented today on inflation reaching a new historic high under President Joe Biden’s watch, and he said more tax relief is on the way as Idahoans continue to receive immediate tax rebates to offset the burden of Bidenflation. The Bureau of Labor Statistics released new inflation data today for […]
June 30, 2022 - 63 communities to benefit from “Leading Idaho” drinking water, wastewater improvement projects
Boise, Idaho – The State of Idaho approved plans to roll out $300 million in water and wastewater infrastructure project funding benefiting 63 communities across Idaho, a step that could help local governments keep property taxes low as they formulate their budgets this summer and fall. “Water is our most valuable resource, and we absolutely […]