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  • April 22, 2021 - OPINION: After a challenging year, Idaho education needs our support

    By Governor Brad Little The past 13 months have presented enormous challenges for students, parents, teachers, and school administrators. The sudden changes in work life, home life, and social life, along with new ways of learning and instructing, have firmly placed the COVID-19 pandemic as one of our most difficult life experiences. We don’t want […]

  • April 16, 2021 - All four living former Idaho Governors support Gov. Little’s veto of emergency powers bills

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today he will veto House Bill 135 and Senate Bill 1136, the “emergency powers bills” that threaten the safety of Idahoans and the Idaho economy during future emergencies. Former Governors C.L. “Butch” Otter, Jim Risch, Dirk Kempthorne, and Phil Batt all provided statements of support for Governor Little’s […]

  • April 7, 2021 - Gov. Little bans ‘vaccine passports’ in Idaho

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little signed an executive order today banning any State of Idaho governmental entity from requiring so-called “vaccine passports” – or proof of COVID-19 vaccination for citizens to receive public services or access facilities. “Idahoans should be given the choice to receive the vaccine. We should not violate Idahoans’ personal freedoms […]

  • March 24, 2021 - Idaho tax filing deadline to be extended to May 17

    Boise, Idaho – The deadline to file Idaho state income taxes will be extended to May 17 to conform with temporary changes to the federal tax filing deadline. Before recessing for two weeks due to a COVID-19 outbreak, the Idaho Legislature was prepared to advance legislation required to extend the state filing deadline from April […]

  • March 24, 2021 - All Idahoans aged 16+ can access COVID-19 vaccine starting April 5

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced his decision today to open up COVID-19 vaccine appointments to all Idahoans aged 16 and older starting April 5. Starting April 5, there will be no prioritization of any group of people. All Idahoans aged 16 and older, regardless of their age, medical condition, or occupation, will be […]

  • March 18, 2021 - Gov. Little details path forward for federal American Rescue Plan Act funds in Idaho

    Boise, Idaho – During a press conference today, Governor Brad Little emphasized the need to direct the billions of dollars allocated for Idaho from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) into long-range investments that will benefit our grandchildren – the generation that will have to pay off the massive federal debt. Governor Little said he […]

  • March 9, 2021 - Gov. Little reflects one year of Idaho’s pandemic fight

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little issued a message to the people of Idaho today, reflecting on one year of Idaho’s pandemic fight. Saturday marks one year since Idaho’s first confirmed COVID-19 case.  Governor Little’s statement follows:  Saturday marks one year since Idaho’s first confirmed case of COVID-19. Tragically, we have lost close to 1,900 […]

  • March 5, 2021 - Idaho launches COVID-19 vaccine appointment pre-registration system

    Boise, Idaho – Under Governor Brad Little’s direction, the State of Idaho created a new COVID-19 vaccine appointment pre-registration solution to help alleviate the frustration of many Idahoans in trying to make an appointment to get the vaccine. The new COVID-19 vaccine appointment pre-registration system is available at “The ability for Idahoans to get […]

  • March 4, 2021 - OPINION: Biden, Democrat-led Congress seek to punish responsible states like Idaho

    By Governor Brad Little Our new president and the Democrat-led Congress are seeking to bail out big, poorly-managed states and punish states that have operated responsibly during the pandemic – a step that would saddle Idaho children with even greater debt and suppress economic prosperity for generations to come. Idaho won’t stand for it. I […]