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  • February 23, 2024 - Idaho pushes for settlement with feds on grizzly delisting

    JOINT NEWS RELEASE FROM OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR AND OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL Boise, Idaho – The State of Idaho is seeking court approval of a proposed settlement that requires the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to issue a final rule by Jan. 1, 2026, to revise or remove the current listing of “lower […]

  • January 10, 2024 - VIDEO: Gov. Little’s State of the State and Budget Address

    Boise, Idaho – For the first time, Governor Brad Little incorporated a video into his traditional State of the State and Budget Address Monday. In case you missed it, the Governor’s full speech, including the video segment, can be found online here: Governor Little presented the most conservative budget recommendation since the Great Recession […]

  • January 4, 2024 - LAUNCH applications blow past expectations

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little and Lt. Governor Scott Bedke announced today the astounding results of the initial application period for the Idaho LAUNCH grants, the state’s expanded grant program that provides new opportunities for graduating high school seniors to pursue in-demand careers. As of December 28, there were 12,588 high school seniors who […]

  • December 15, 2023 - OPINION: Ditch the secret backroom dam breaching deals. Let’s focus on common ground.

    By Governor Brad Little and Lt. Governor Scott Bedke The recent agreement between the Biden Administration and the states of Washington and Oregon and the tribes on dam breaching represents a missed opportunity. Instead of working together to find common ground, the signatories to the agreement pandered to their political supporters and paid no attention […]

  • August 10, 2023 - Mathew Weaver to lead Idaho Department of Water Resources

    Boise, ID – Governor Brad Little announced today his appointment of Mathew Weaver as the new director of the Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR). Weaver replaces Gary Spackman, who is retiring after 14 years of dedicated service as IDWR director. Spackman, a dedicated public servant, worked in various roles for the State of Idaho […]

  • August 1, 2023 - Governor’s Water Summit to discuss trends, investments in statewide water supply

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Little will meet with leaders and stakeholders at the Governor’s Water Summit on Monday, August 7, to discuss trends in Idaho’s water supply. The summit will take place in the Idaho State Capitol Lincoln Auditorium, located at 700 W. Jefferson St. in Boise, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The event […]

  • May 10, 2023 - Idaho sues feds on grizzly delisting

    Boise, Idaho – The State of Idaho sent notice of its intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) today over the Biden Administration’s failure to remove grizzly bears from the endangered species list. “Idaho’s entire congressional delegation and the State of Idaho are lockstep in efforts to delist grizzly bears. Idaho has […]

  • April 28, 2023 - Idaho is training loggers to fight forest fires

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little proclaimed the month of May as Wildfire Awareness Month, and as the State of Idaho actively gears up for fire season, the Governor’s administration is teaming up with loggers to better fight wildfires in Idaho forests. Fighting wildfire safely requires training. The Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) is creating […]