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  • December 3, 2021 - Gov. Little announces appointments to Transportation Board, Blaine County Commission

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today he appointed Gary Osborn of Troy to the district 2 position on the Idaho Transportation Board, serving Nez Perce, Latah, Idaho, Clearwater and Lewis counties. Osborn is a lifelong farmer in Latah County who operates a family farm that was established in 1917. He has served on the Soil […]

  • May 10, 2021 - Idaho achieves historic transportation investment without raising taxes or fees

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little signed House Bill 362 into law today, his sustainable transportation funding solution that directs $80 million in ongoing funding, allowing the state to bond for up to $1.6 billion for transportation infrastructure projects statewide. It is the single largest state investment in transportation infrastructure in Idaho history. The solution […]

  • March 26, 2021 - Gov. Little to host statewide Sustainable Transportation Funding Roundtables

    Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today he will host Sustainable Transportation Funding Roundtables with businesses and local leaders across Idaho next week. Governor Little will travel to north Idaho, eastern Idaho, and the west Treasure Valley next week to meet with businesses and local officials about their need for a sustainable transportation funding […]

  • March 1, 2021 - OPINION: Sustainable transportation funding needed to build Idaho’s future

    By Governor Brad Little There’s only one thing we all want more of but cannot replenish – time. You will spend almost as much time in traffic in some parts of Idaho as you would in Seattle, San Francisco, or Los Angeles. That time would be better spent at home with family, earning a living, […]