Category: COVID-19
March 2, 2021 - Governor’s emergency declaration secures millions in funding for vaccination effort
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has awarded $39 million to the Idaho Office of Emergency Management (IOEM) to support COVID-19 vaccination efforts throughout the state. The funds would not be available to Idaho without Governor Little’s active emergency declaration. “We are in the final lap of […]
February 8, 2021 - New COVID-19 vaccine administration transparency data now live
Boise, Idaho – New COVID-19 vaccine administration transparency data that the Governor promised Idahoans in his Jan. 28 executive order is now live. The new tool, available at this link, shows the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses that individual providers and local public health districts have been allocated and the number of doses that remain […]
February 2, 2021 - Idaho advances to Stage 3 as COVID-19 case counts, hospitalizations decline
Boise, Idaho – After weeks of declining COVID-19 case counts and hospitalizations, Governor Brad Little announced today that statewide metrics justify returning to Stage 3 of the Idaho Rebounds plan. “When we moved back to Stage 2 in November, case counts were spiking and hospitals were bracing for the worst. Today, thanks to our collective […]
January 29, 2021 - New online tool helps Idahoans learn when, where to receive COVID-19 vaccine
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today the State of Idaho launched a new COVID-19 vaccination information web page to help Idahoans more easily find information on when and where to get vaccinated and what to expect when they get to their appointment. The new web page is “The rollout of the COVID-19 […]
January 28, 2021 - Gov. Little signs executive order to speed up safe vaccine rollout, promote transparency in vaccine administration
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little signed a new executive order today requiring local public health districts and healthcare providers to regularly report the number of vaccine doses they have been allocated, how many shots they have given, and how many doses they have in inventory, to ensure vaccine is getting out in a timely […]
January 22, 2021 - OPINION: Idaho Legislature’s actions threaten vaccine rollout and Idaho’s prosperity
By Governor Brad Little My fellow Idahoans, throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, as your Governor I have worked hard to protect lives and critical health care capacity for the entire state while keeping families safe and businesses and schools open. Every decision has been a balancing act, and while the pandemic response has not been perfect, […]
January 20, 2021 - High school athletic plan to include more spectators at sporting events
Boise, Idaho – Following a weeks-long decrease in statewide COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, Governor Brad Little announced today that he is instructing the State Board of Education to revise its high school athletic plan to allow more spectators at sporting events. “All of our decisions related to the Idaho Rebounds plan have been rooted in […]
January 19, 2021 - Gov. Little accelerates COVID-19 vaccine administration across Idaho
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today he will seek to increase the number of available Idaho National Guard personnel from 250 to 400 guardsmen later this week to aid in Idaho’s pandemic response. The additional guardsmen will assist in vaccine distribution. “Our women and men in the Idaho National Guard have stepped in […]
January 12, 2021 - Gov. Little updates Idahoans on COVID-19 vaccine rollout
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today four key updates on the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines across Idaho. “Our goal with vaccine planning and distribution is, in part, to reduce transmission and preserve a functioning healthcare system – and get back to normal as quickly as possible,” Governor Little said. “Idaho is administering the […]
December 30, 2020 - Gov. Little launches weekly press briefings on COVID-19 vaccine
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little announced today he is directing the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) to carry out weekly virtual press briefings regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. “The availability of the safe COVID-19 vaccine is a lifeline in our pandemic fight, and I know there are a lot of questions about vaccine […]