Executive Order 2025-03: Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Act
Executive Order 2025-02: The Strategic Permitting, Efficiency, and Economic Development (SPEED) Act
Executive Order 2025-01: Gone with the Lava Ridge Wind Project Act
Executive Order 2024-13A: Continuing the Idaho Criminal Justice Commission
Executive Order 2024-12: Executive Order 2024-12: Continuing a System for Allocating Volume Cap in the State Consistent with Provisions of Title 50, Chapter 28, Idaho Code and the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986
Executive Order 2024-11: Phone Free Learning Act
Executive Order 2024-10: Continuing the Idaho Strategic Energy Alliance (repealing and replacing Executive Order 2020-18)
Executive Order 2024-09: Continuing the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources within the Office of the Governor
Executive Order 2024-08: Defending Women’s Sports Act
Executive Order 2024-07: Only Citizens Will Vote Act
Executive Order 2024-06: Protecting Idaho Water Sovereignty Act
Executive Order 2024-05: Promoting Families and Protecting Children Act
Executive Order 2024-04: Operation Esto Perpetua
Executive Order 2024-03: Continuing the Juvenile Justice Commission
Executive Order 2024-02: Continuing the Workforce Development Council
Executive Order 2024-01: Continuing the Idaho Behavioral Health Council
Executive Order 2023-05: Establishing the Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism
Executive Order 2023-04: Directing the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to Support Suicide Prevention Action Collective in Monitoring and Implementing the Idaho Suicide Prevention Plan
Executive Order 2023-03: Idaho Outdoor Recreation Fund Advisory Council
Executive Order 2023-02: Provisions for State Cooperation with the National Flood Insurance Program under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, As Amended – Replaces EO 2015-06
Executive Order 2023-01: Pacific Northwest Economic Region Idaho Council – Replaces EO 2018-04
Executive Order 2022-06: Banning TikTok on State Devices
Executive Order 2022-05: Establishing the Idaho Early Childhood Advisory Council (replaces EO 2019-14)
Executive Order 2022-04: Assignments of All-Hazard Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response and Recovery Functions to State Agencies in Support of Local and State Government Relating to Emergencies and Disasters
Executive Order 2022-03: Adopting Idaho’s 2021 Sage-Grouse Management Plan and Idaho Safe-Steppe Mitigation Process
Attachments referenced:
- Attachment 1 – Idaho 2021 Plan
- Attachment 2 – Idaho Sage-Steppe Mitigation Principles
- Attachment 3 – BLM and State of Idaho MOA
- Attachment 4 – USFS and State of Idaho MOA
Executive Order 2022-02: Activation of the Idaho National Guard to Provide Support in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Executive Order 2022-01: Governor’s Task Force on Children at Risk
Executive Order 2021-14: Repealing Executive Order 2021-13
Executive Order 2021-12: Repealing Executive Order 2021-01
Executive Order 2021-11: Activation of the Idaho National Guard to Provide Support in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Executive Order 2021-10: Transparency in Budgeting
Executive Order 2021-09: Deferred Compensation Program for Employees of the State of Idaho | Repealing and Replacing Executive Order 2017-08
Executive Order 2021-08: Repealing Executive Order 2021-07 to Restore Local Control
Executive Order 2021-06: Repeal and Replacement of Executive Order 2021-03
Executive Order 2021-05: Repeal of Executive Order 2020-11
Executive Order 2021-04: Banning Vaccine Passports
Executive Order 2021-03: Transparency in the Administration of the COVID-19 Vaccine (repealed and replaced by Executive Order 2021-06)
Executive Order 2021-02: Governor’s Leadership in Nuclear Energy (LINE) Commission
Executive Order 2021-01: Transportation of Hemp (replaces EO 2019-13; EO 2021-01 was then repealed and replaced by EO 2021-12)
Executive Order 2020-20: Continuing the Idaho Criminal Justice Commission
Executive Order 2020-19: Activation of the Idaho National Guard to Provide Support in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Executive Order 2020-18: Continuing the Idaho Strategic Energy Alliance
Executive Order 2020-17: Continuing the Office of Energy and Mineral Resources
Executive Order 2020-16: Strong Families, Strong Students Grant Initiative
Executive Order 2020-15: Directing Idaho State Tax Commission to administer the budget and levy components of the Governor’s public safety grant initiative for cities and counties | Amended Executive Order 2020-15
Executive Order 2020-14: Temporary Reduction of General Fund Spending Authority
Executive Order 2020-13: Regulatory Relief to Support Economic Recovery
Executive Order 2020-12: Related to Return to Work Bonuses
Executive Order 2020-11: Related to the Idaho Department of Labor
Executive Order 2020-10: Enhancing Licensing Freedom: Organization of the Department of Self-Governing Agencies
Executive Order 2020-09: Establishing a program to procure and distribute personal protective equipment to Idaho businesses and nonprofits
Executive Order 2020-08: Establishing Idaho Rebound Cash Grants for Small Businesses | Amended Executive Order 2020-08
Executive Order 2020-07: Establishing a Process to Evaluate and Implement Federal Coronavirus Funding
Executive Order 2020-06: Authorizing the Transfer of Funds to the Disaster Emergency Account
Executive Order 2020-05: Temporary Reduction of General Fund Spending Authority
Executive Order 2020-04: Creating the Idaho Behavioral Health Council | Amended Executive Order 2020-04
Executive Order 2020-03: Families First Act
Executive Order 2020-02: Transparency in Agency Guidance Documents
Executive Order 2020-01: Zero-Based Regulation
Executive Order 2019-15: All-Hazard Prevention, Protection, Mitigation, Response, and Recovery
Executive Order 2019-14: Establishing the Idaho Early Childhood Advisory Council (replaced by EO 2022-05)
Executive Order 2019-13: Transportation of Hemp (repealed and replaced by EO 2021-01)
Executive Order 2019-12: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Act
Executive Order 2019-11: Establishing the Governor’s Commission on Service and Volunteerism
Executive Order 2019-10: Organization of the Lewis and Clark Trail Committee
Executive Order 2019-09: Combatting the Opioid and Substance Use Disorder Crisis
Executive Order 2019-08: Workforce Development Council
Executive Order 2019-07: Idaho Broadband Task Force
Executive Order 2019-06: Board of Juvenile Corrections
Executive Order 2019-05: Governor’s Leadership in Nuclear Energy (LINE) Commission
Executive Order 2019-04: Idaho Medal of Achievement
Executive Order 2019-03: Regional Government Efficiency Working Group
Executive Order 2019-02: Red Tape Reduction Act
Executive Order 2019-01: Licensing Freedom Act of 2019